What We Can Do For You

Product Destruction

Keeping intellectual property protected is essential. But what happens when that property, such as prototypes, obsolete products, and information-sensitive equipment, is no longer needed or is defective?

E-WASTEHAULAWAY uses four different R2 Recyclers.  There is an excerpt from the SERI* website. This is your assurance that your items are responsibly processed. 

Hard Drive Destruction

As many as 53% of businesses don’t use a professional service to destroy old hard drives, USBs or other hardware that contain confidential information.1 Only physical destruction ensures the data on an old hard drive is 100% destroyed.

Your old technology could make or break your business.

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Electronics Recycling Pick up

You have old computers that are taking up valuable real estate in you building , causing clutter and inefficiency. E-Waste Haul Away and Data Destruction Services LLC, is seeking to remove your unwanted computers and electronics. There is never a charge for pickup up e-waste as long we cover our cost.

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Commercial Pick Up?

Scheduling a Pick Up is Quick and Easy


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